Keeping Calgary connected as communities grow.
West LRT is a facet of Calgary’s commitment to respond to community growth. West LRT connects over 44,000 people every day and we expect this number to increase to over 120,000 as the west communities continue to grow. West LRT is an innovative line in Calgary built within a sensitive inner-city context and includes the broadest varieties of station types in Calgary’s LRT system including at-grade stations in walk-on and road median locations, elevated, underground and trenched configurations.
GEC’s role included station design and urban design related to community integration and coordination with the City of Calgary transit-oriented development plans. GEC was also responsible for developing the delivery model and work plan; GEC initiated and authored the White Paper on Station Design Logistics and Timing in Preparation for a Design-Build Project Delivery Format. This presented a strategy and associated timelines that enabled West LRT station design to advance quickly.